Audio Gung Fu is a collection of nonlinear journal entries written to share Explorations into Sound, tighten up my workflow, and provide space for reflection. It is one part research log and one part art analysis with a healthy dose of sonic experimentation.

My goal with this log is to
further document the bridge between Sound Design, Field Recording & Foley, Audio Implementation, GameDev, and Synthesizer communities. There are a lot of amazing sonic things going on out there.

Gung Fu is a centering philosophy as I immerse myself in the art of Audio Design & Sound. It provides a thematic impetus and gives this research blog movement.

Project Writeups


Note: Articles being Researched and Drafted for the following.


  • Experiments
  • - EM Banana Synth
    - EM Banana Synth recreated
  • Hydrasynth
  • - Patch Recipe - Funky Church Organ
    - Vocal Formants

Art, History, Misc. Documentation

Foley & Field Recording

DAWs, Plugins, Software

[Coming Soon] Reaper, Ableton, Bitwig, VCV, Pure Data, Keykit, Trackers, Live Coding, M4L/Max for Live.

Community, Books, and Resources

    This tab grew too large for the front page; it has been moved to Resources.

Chronological index | More drop down menus

Author's note: This blog jumps between an array of audio subjects, see social media for updates. This is a long term project and right now it surely shows no signs of slowing!